
Why this website exists

I made this website on the last day of 2021, and at the start of 2022, I think I'm in a place to explain why.

2021 was not a great year. I started it tired and ended it more tired. I left the house little, talked to people less, and was generally not in a good way. The only thing that made it remotely bearable was the people I did talk to, people I'd met online who have made places for themselves in my life that I would never begrudge them. But the internet is changing, conglomerating, and I don't want people that important to me to only see me through the lenses of those sites. I want my own space, to be myself.

Hence, a website.

I know this probably sounds a bit dramatic for some guy making a website, but it's all to say, this is a project that matters to me. In the near future I'll be working to add more to this site - a background, to start, then a journal, then a booklist, and so on. A guestbook, if anyone actually wants to write in it. My art, if I get around to making any.

I don't expect this site to get a lot of traffic. I'd be worried if it did. But if you're reading this, thank you, and I hope this year has a place for you too. You deserve it.